Saturday, July 7, 2012

Is it time to find out who shot JR?

I should know better, but I kind of dismissed the new Dallas as soon as I heard they were making a continuation. To be fair, that was several years ago and the idea was to re-make it not continue it. And names like Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Lopez were being bandied about and it all seemed so cringe-worthy that when it really did happen I didn't give it much of a though.

Now, though, I've been hearing mostly good things about the new Dallas. It's even got some of the original cast to lend some legitimacy to the venture. And I'm almost thinking I should watch.

Being me, however, deciding I want to watch the new Dallas is a bit of an undertaking. Because, you see, I don't like to watch things out of order. I don't like to do anything out of order. And so deciding I'm going to watch the new Dallas really means I'm deciding to watch all 14 seasons of the original Dallas. And then I'll watch the new Dallas.

We'll see if this decision comes to fruit. I've blown through Sports Night pretty quickly (being as it's only two seasons) so maybe Dallas can be my new show when I'm done. Of course, the Emmy nominees are going to be announced in a week or so and I'll have to play some catch-up. Not to mention, the Olympics will take up a lot of time. I'm the most un-athletic person you'll ever meet, yet for some reason I can't get enough of the Olympics. The weirder the event the better. So yeah, Dallas just might have to take a back seat. But we'll see. Sometimes you need a giant and ridiculous undertaking, and 14 seasons of Dallas just might be the thing.