Wednesday, May 16, 2012

American Idol: Top 3

Joshua: I'd Rather Go Blind - Joshua is my favorite contestant this season. Let's make no bones about it, I'm hoping he's the winner (despite picking Phillip Phillips in the office pool). But I was kind of bored with this performance. I loved his outfit (though one of his backup singers needed to work out his t-shirt issues) and I LOVE when he busts out the old fashioned mic like he did back during Queen week, but the song itself was just okay.

Jessica: My All - I will be the first to admit that Jessica is not my favorite contestant. I think she's extremely vocally proficient, but majorly lacking in both emotion and stage presence which strongly detracts from most of her performances. So maybe I'm biased because I already don't like her, but am I listening to the same song as the judges? Because this was a hot mess. Did she even sing a single word? For real, girlfriend was straining on some of the high notes and mumbled her way through the low notes and threw so much vibrato into the song that it would be impossible for me to hum the tune back to you. And they praised it as the greatest thing ever? If you're going to be a judge maybe you should actually, you know, judge?

To be fair, whenever she gets off stage and starts talking I find her adorable. Why can't she have that much personality on stage?

Phillip: Beggin' - I really like this song. And I didn't hate Phillip singing it. He's made me crazy the past few weeks, singing stinker after stinker (Time of the Season anyone? Seriously, I was offended on behalf of the Zombies), but this was actually not that bad. Although Steven then did kill any good will I had towards Phillip by saying he could be the next Springsteen. Is he serious? Steven had better be seriously high right now, because attempting to compare Phillip with Bruce is just sacrilege.

Joshua: Imagine - I was slightly worried when I heard this was his song choice, just because David Archuleta had such a moment with song back in Season 7 (I was totally Team Cook, btw). But I didn't need to worry. I loved when he got down on his knee towards the end. I loved seeing JLo crying and singing along (I love it when they cry!). It was simple and beautiful. Though, does Steven know what the phrase "over the top" means? I don't think so...

Jessica: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Really, this is the song you chose? Really? It was just so blah and trying to hard to have a moment and just eh. And she was wearing a pantsuit. A beige pantsuit, no less. Really?

Phillip: Disease - Holy crap. Phillips is wearing a color other than gray! Okay, it's just brown, but still. It's not gray! And...I am again not hating this. Partly because I love the hot blonde girl on sax, but I also just like the slow jam version of this song. I may or may not actually download this. Oh, and Randy's little bait and switch moment was douchey.

Joshua: No More Drama - Oh. Those shoulder pads are sparkly. I'm into it. I only wish his mic was equally sparkly. Oh. Oh! And then he took of the jacket. I LOVE IT WHEN HE TAKES OFF THE JACKET! Okay, he had a little trouble, it wasn't as smooth as When a Man Loves a Woman, but I don't care. Take the jacket off! Take it all off! Okay, or not. Let's remember this is a family show. But still. Woo woo!

I loved all the other contestants in the audience, especially Hollie next to that one giant girl (Shannon?) They were so into it! Too cute.

Jessica: I'll Be There - While it was definitely her best vocal of the night, in my opinion, I was still underwhelmed. It sounded to me like something that would play during the end credits of a movie. Like, I felt like I should have been exiting the theater while she was singing. I did like her outfit, though. Well, other than the super hein boots.

Phillip: We've Got Tonight - The song's only half over. I'm bored. He's in tune, hitting all the notes, but I'm bored. And sleepy.

Okay, I'm such a dork. I love the hometown visits. Though somebody's daddy better cry or it's just not worth it...

Joshua's Hometown Visit: First off, he's just adorable with his fear of flying. And I'm jealous of the crawfish boil. Yum.

Jessica's Hometown Visit: See, she's got so much personality when she's not on stage! Oh, and I loved her little brothers. Too cute.

Also, I used to live in San Diego and work in Chula Vista, so I spent most of her visit looking for places (and people) I recognize.

Phillip's Hometown Visit: Holy crap, and now he's in purple! Damn dude, color it up and I would totes vote for you! I mean, not really because a. I don't vote (except for that one time when I was at Adam Lambert's house, but how can you not vote for him when you're AT HIS HOUSE) and b. if I did I would vote for Joshua (and okay, my sister and I might have once). Oh, daddy's crying. And now Phillip's crying! I LOVE IT WHEN THEY CRY!!!!

Joshua FTW!

Glee: Props/Nationals

Things I Liked About Last Night's Glee

1. Coach Bieste's continuing storyline with Cooter: Having it take time for her to decide to leave was much more realistic than wrapping it up in one episode. I'm glad that this was something that took several episodes and we got to see her thought process, her justifications for staying and the reasons for her breaking point.

2. Brittany's throw-away line regarding her bisexuality: Bisexuals have not gotten the greatest rap on Glee (see Kurt and Santana's rants against Blaine's and Brittany's sexuality struggles from Season 2), so it's nice to remind everyone that someone actually is bisexual on the show. Yes, she's with Santana now (a couple I'm still not 100% on bored with, but that's a discussion for another time), but she really did love Artie, too.

3. Unique: Girlfriend was bitchin. Seriously, can I be her friend?

4. Coach Bieste and Puck: I think she may give Mr. Schue a run for his money on Teacher of the Year. Schue was way less douchey than he was last year, but he hasn't quite made it back to his Season 1 glory.

5. The redemption of Jesse St. James: And Carmen Thibedeaux remembering his audition from two years ago (I would seriously LOVE to hear Jesse St. James sing Giants in the Sky.)

6. Sue's character development: I really like what Sue has become. She's still ridiculous and destructive and outrageous to the point of being past offensive, but then there are moments when her humanity shines through (like when she hugged Beiste or when she took care of sick Mercedes). Her crazy is still all there, but it's more fun seeing her as an ambiguity rather than a straight villain. I like complexity.

7. Blaine and Kurt's Halloween costumes: I can never un-see Blaine as The Situation. I realize Kurt was in drag, but for me it was Blaine that was just hilarious. He's always so put together! My favorite Blaine moments are always the ones where he's a little weird or flustered.

My only real complaint: I wish the character switch had been a little longer. Everyone was so funny in the background doing their impressions of each other (and Finn and Puck were so sweet as Kurt and Blaine!). It would have been better to see more of it. Plus, I think Tina needed a little more time to see how hard it is to be Rachel, how much effort and work she puts into what she does, hoe much pressure everyone else puts on her, and how effortlessly she makes it look for her. They touched on that a little, but I think they needed to go into just a touch more.

All in all, this was one of the best two episodes of the whole season. Glee has a lot of flaws, but I just love it anyway. Yea Glee!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And so it begins...

I love this time of year when it's winding down into summer. While everyone else is finishing up school, planning their summer vacations, or picking out their new bikinis for beach day, I am eagerly looking forward to scoping out the earliest buzz of next year's TV season. I'm mourning the loss of those show's that went to soon (I'll always remember you Chuck!), breathing a sigh of relief for those that I thought were gone but instead got a reprieve (looking forward to Community's six seasons and a movie), and eagerly devouring all the previews and tidbits about the new pilots. I know, you're jealous of my life and devotion to television. It's cool.

Summer is the time for me to catch up on all the shows that started last season that I never managed t start watching (I'm looking at you Once Upon a Time) so I can be caught up for season two. It's the time for me to scour through all the information about the new pilots and make my lists of what to keep my eye on. Sure, some of those new shows will be canceled within three episodes while others will drag on for years even though I'd rather gouge my eyes out than watch another 5 minutes. Some I'll be so excited about during the summer, but by the time it airs I couldn't care less. But all this is just part of my love of the summer season.

In case it's not already obvious, I'm kind of a tv freak. I love television. Watching it, talking about it, over analyzing it (especially Glee), researching it. Yes, I did in fact write my senior seminar paper for my UW history degree on the part television played in the sexual revolution of the 60s. Ended up watching A LOT of Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, and Petticoat Junction. Good times. I like the history of television, how it began as a means of bringing the country together but has sense become one more way to fracture us all. Most people like to veg out on the couch and consume tv as nothing more than entertainment (which is a perfectly acceptable reason for watching), but I see each episode as a work of literature, as a historical document. I love and appreciate television so much more than most people I know. So I've decided to blog about it. Because I'm pretty much crazy and if you want to find other crazies, especially tv crazies, the interwebs is the place to turn. So come and find me my cray-cray friends and we'll love tv too much together.

Until then, I'm going to go watch two hours of Glee and then over-think on how it's defining America. :)