Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Glee: Props/Nationals

Things I Liked About Last Night's Glee

1. Coach Bieste's continuing storyline with Cooter: Having it take time for her to decide to leave was much more realistic than wrapping it up in one episode. I'm glad that this was something that took several episodes and we got to see her thought process, her justifications for staying and the reasons for her breaking point.

2. Brittany's throw-away line regarding her bisexuality: Bisexuals have not gotten the greatest rap on Glee (see Kurt and Santana's rants against Blaine's and Brittany's sexuality struggles from Season 2), so it's nice to remind everyone that someone actually is bisexual on the show. Yes, she's with Santana now (a couple I'm still not 100% on bored with, but that's a discussion for another time), but she really did love Artie, too.

3. Unique: Girlfriend was bitchin. Seriously, can I be her friend?

4. Coach Bieste and Puck: I think she may give Mr. Schue a run for his money on Teacher of the Year. Schue was way less douchey than he was last year, but he hasn't quite made it back to his Season 1 glory.

5. The redemption of Jesse St. James: And Carmen Thibedeaux remembering his audition from two years ago (I would seriously LOVE to hear Jesse St. James sing Giants in the Sky.)

6. Sue's character development: I really like what Sue has become. She's still ridiculous and destructive and outrageous to the point of being past offensive, but then there are moments when her humanity shines through (like when she hugged Beiste or when she took care of sick Mercedes). Her crazy is still all there, but it's more fun seeing her as an ambiguity rather than a straight villain. I like complexity.

7. Blaine and Kurt's Halloween costumes: I can never un-see Blaine as The Situation. I realize Kurt was in drag, but for me it was Blaine that was just hilarious. He's always so put together! My favorite Blaine moments are always the ones where he's a little weird or flustered.

My only real complaint: I wish the character switch had been a little longer. Everyone was so funny in the background doing their impressions of each other (and Finn and Puck were so sweet as Kurt and Blaine!). It would have been better to see more of it. Plus, I think Tina needed a little more time to see how hard it is to be Rachel, how much effort and work she puts into what she does, hoe much pressure everyone else puts on her, and how effortlessly she makes it look for her. They touched on that a little, but I think they needed to go into just a touch more.

All in all, this was one of the best two episodes of the whole season. Glee has a lot of flaws, but I just love it anyway. Yea Glee!

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